Changing WRF Namelist

Changing WRF Namelist

Changing namelist options in WRF

Perhaps you'd like to rerun WRF with a different namelist option by changing a physics scheme. In this case, you'll want to rerun the WRF and all downstream components (i.e., UPP, Python graphics, MET, and METviewer), but you may not need to rerun the WPS, GSI, or Real components. In this example, we will demonstrate how to modify and rerun a container by modifying the namelist.input without deleting local output from a previous run.

Go to the scripts directory for the desired case:

cd ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components/scripts/sandy_20121027


Note: it is important that you make changes to the namelists in this "scripts" directory instead of in the run directories you already created; the scripts which actually run the NWP containers (such as run_wrf.ksh) will copy these namelists to the appropriate locations when you run the containers, which will overwrite any files that already exist there!

Edit the namelist.input to making your desired modifications. For this example, we will change mp_physics from 4 (WSM5) to 8 (Thompson). **More information on how to set up and run WRF can be found on the Users' Page:

mp_physics    =   8,

Rerun the WRF container using the local changes made to the namelist.input file and modifying the local WRF output directory (note: you can rename wrfprd whatever you choose):

Select the appropriate container instructions for your system below:

docker run --rm -it -e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` \
 -v ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components/scripts/common:/home/scripts/common \
 -v ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components/scripts/sandy_20121027:/home/scripts/case \
 -v ${CASE_DIR}/wpsprd:/home/wpsprd -v ${CASE_DIR}/gsiprd:/home/gsiprd -v ${CASE_DIR}/wrfprd_mp6:/home/wrfprd \
 --name run-sandy-wrf dtcenter/wps_wrf:${PROJ_VERSION} /home/scripts/common/run_wrf.ksh
singularity exec -B ${PROJ_DIR}/data:/data -B ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components/scripts/common:/home/scripts/common -B ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components/scripts/sandy_20121027:/home/scripts/case -B ${CASE_DIR}/wpsprd:/home/wpsprd -B ${CASE_DIR}/wrfprd_mp6:/home/wrfprd  ../wps_wrf_${PROJ_VERSION}.sif /home/scripts/common/run_wrf.ksh
If you have further questions regarding customization, please post them to the Customization Category of DTC NWP Containers GitHub Discussions forum.
fossell Tue, 12/07/2021 - 09:11