2. Build the Executables
2. Build the ExecutablesEstimated time: 20-25 minutes
Instructions for loading the proper modules and/or setting the correct environment variables can be found in the env/ directory in files named build_<platform>_<compiler>.env. The commands in these files can be directly copy-pasted to the command line or the file can be sourced.
cp build_cheyenne_intel.env build_cheyenne_intel_tcsh.env
Make the following changes to build_cheyenne_intel_tcsh.env. Change
export CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=mpicxx
export CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpif90
export CMAKE_Platform=cheyenne.intel
setenv CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER mpif90
setenv CMAKE_Platform cheyenne.intel
The modified script can then be sourced as follows:
source ./env/build_cheyenne_intel_tcsh.env
to set the build environment.
Build the executables as follows (for both bash and csh/tcsh users):
cd build
Run cmake to set up the Makefile, then run make:
make -j 4 >& build.out &
Output from the build will be in the $SR_WX_APP_TOP_DIR/build/build.out file. When the build completes, you should see the forecast model executable NEMS.exe and eleven pre- and post-processing executables in the $SR_WX_APP_TOP_DIR/bin directory.