0. Log in to Cheyenne

0. Log in to Cheyenne
arbetter Fri, 10/30/2020 - 12:41

Login from a terminal (ssh -Y YourUserName@cheyenne.ucar.edu) following the instructions you received (Yubikey, Duo, other) to authenticate and complete the login.

*                 Welcome to Cheyenne - October 30, 2020
                 Today in the Daily Bulletin (dailyb.cisl.ucar.edu)
        - NOAA postdoc fellowship program accepting application
        - Summer internships program now accepting applications
        - PBS job script documentation updated
Quick Start:          www2.cisl.ucar.edu/resources/cheyenne/quick-start-cheyenne
User environment:     www2.cisl.ucar.edu/resources/cheyenne/user-environment
Key module commands:  module list, module avail, module spider, module help
CISL Help:            support.ucar.edu -- 303-497-2400


Go to your work space:

cd $HOME


cd /glade/u/home/$USER

where $USER is your login/username, or

cd ~

where ~ is shorthand for your home directory.