2. Example: Adding a field

2. Example: Adding a field
arbetter Mon, 10/26/2020 - 11:33

This example describes how to add the field SFEXC (heat exchange coefficient at the surface) to the postcntrl_gfs.xml and postcntrl_gfs_f00.xml configuration files. Using your favorite text editor, edit each configuration file by adding the following parameter to the list at the end of the file, but before the </paramset> and </postxml> tags.


You may also delete an unwanted field by completely removing the parameter block of that field from these files and then continuing with step 5.

* Formatting is important; use other entries in the file as a guide.

** Adding fields requires knowledge on which fields can be output for your specific dynamic core and physics options. Not all fields available in UPP can be output with the UFS MRW application.