4. Change IC file format

4. Change IC file format
arbetter Fri, 10/23/2020 - 15:42

Change input format from “grb2” to “nemsio” or “netCDF”

The MR Weather App requires numerous input files. The input files data format can be GRIB2, NEMSIO, or netCDF, and the input files must be staged by the user.  More information can be found in the Users Guide at: https://ufs-mrweather-app.readthedocs.io/en/ufs-v1.1.0/inputs_outputs.html

The input file data format is set using namelist parameters.

Repeat (or re-use) the case you built yesterday. 

cd $UFS_SCRATCH/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96

Prior to Step #4, edit the file user_nl_ufsatm and add one of the following:

input_type = "gaussian_nemsio" 


input_type = "gaussian_netcdf"

NOTE:  NetCDF formatted input files are ONLY available for the 20200202 case, so be sure to set the run start date if you select the netcdf input option.  Also, the netcdf input processing requires more memory, so adjust the processors-per-node as follows:

./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=2020-02-02
./xmlchange tasks_per_node=4 --subgroup case.chgres

And, submit the new run, using:
