8. Build a new case and change some variables

8. Build a new case and change some variables
arbetter Fri, 10/23/2020 - 10:01

You will need to create a new case directory for this experiment (we will use ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96_exp - note the "_exp" this time), and setup the new case. 

cd $HOME/UFS_training/my_ufs_sandbox/cime/scripts
./create_newcase --case $UFS_SCRATCH/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96_exp --compset GFSv15p2 --res C96 --workflow ufs-mrweather
cd $UFS_SCRATCH/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96_exp

At this point, you can see the current values for CCN (ccn_o = 100 and ccn_l = 300) by looking at the input.nml file in the control run:

more $UFS_SCRATCH/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96/run/input.nml

You will set the values through the workflow:

cd $UFS_SCRATCH/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96_exp

Use your editor to append the following to the entries at the bottom of the file user_nl_ufsatm

ccn_l = 900.
ccn_o = 300.

Next you will build the case:


Once that completes, change the run duration to 48 hours and reduce the time request. Then submit the case.

./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nhours,STOP_N=48
./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=00:45:00
./xmlchange --force JOB_QUEUE=S4857724

Once again, you can monitor your jobs in the queue:

qstat -u $USER

And if needed, you can kill your job:

qdel JobID

As before, you should see the output files in the case run directory for the experiment:

ls $UFS_SCRATCH/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96_exp/run

tail run/chgres_cube.yymmdd-hhmmss.log: DONE. 

tail run/ufs.log.<jobid>.yymmdd-hhmmss: PROGRAM nems HAS ENDED.