4. Set up the case run script

4. Set up the case run script
arbetter Thu, 10/22/2020 - 08:53

Move to this case directory to set up and build the model:

cd $UFS_SCRATCH/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96

This step creates the scripts needed to build and run the model along with the namelist:


Note the new bld and run directories under your case directory: 

  • /glade/scratch/$USER/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96/bld
  • /glade/scratch/$USER/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96/run 

The bld directory will contain the executables ufs.exe, ncep_post and chgres_cube.exe when ./case.build is executed (next step). The run directory will be populated when the case is run.  Note that chgres_cube.exe and ncep_post are links to the NCEPLIBS-ufs-v1.1.0  directory, since they are built with the NCEPLIBS.

You can see more details of the case setup by running:
