2. Set up the environment
2. Set up the environmentPrior to building the model, the environment for CIME needs to be set up. This requires five environment variables:
UFS_SCRATCH: Writable directory where output for each case will go.
UFS_DRIVER: Default is nems, do not change.
CIME_MODEL: Default is ufs, do not change.
PROJECT: Account code on machine
Enter the following commands on Cheyenne. You may need to create a directory on /glade/scratch.
If you see something like
mkdir $USER
This directory should persist throughout the tutorial.
For bash:
export UFS_SCRATCH=/glade/scratch/$USER/UFS_training
export UFS_DRIVER=nems
export CIME_MODEL=ufs
export PROJECT=NJNT0007
setenv UFS_SCRATCH /glade/scratch/$USER/UFS_training
setenv UFS_DRIVER nems
setenv CIME_MODEL ufs
setenv PROJECT NJNT0007
Note: You'll need to set the environments (export/setenv) each time you log in to do work with the MR-Weather-App. You can add these lines to your .bashrc/.cshrc file (found in your home directory) or put in a shell script that you can source each time you log in to cheyenne. Some exercises in this practical session involve loading different modules or versions of modules and/or editing namelists; you can use this page to reset back to the proper build/run environment for the baseline case.