Run Script and Results

Run Script and Results
admin Mon, 06/29/2020 - 21:13

Running the Script

Here, GSI global is run as a 4-core MPI job. If you run on PBS system (Cheyenne), Use:

qsub run_gsi_global.ksh

to launch the job.

The run script will create an output or run directory according to the path set in the variable WORK_ROOT. The contents of this run directory are provided in the following list.


The standard output file stdout contains the run diagnostics, such as convergence information, and observation distribution from the GSI run. Details of the standard output file are available in section 4.1 of the GSI User's Guide.

Information about the use of observations by the analysis, and the corresponding innovations are available from the fit files (named fort.2*). The fit files located in the run directory should agree with the following fit files for temperature (fit_t1); wind (fit_w1); moisture (fit_q1); surface pressure (fit_p1); and radiance (fit_rad1); and GPS (fort.212).

Convergence information (section 4.6 of the GSI User's Guide) is available in the file: fort.220