Database and display

Database and display

The METviewer database and display system provides a flexible and interactive interface to ingest and visualize the statistical output of MET. In this tutorial, we loaded the MET outputs for each of the 3 supported case into separate databases named mv_derecho, mv_sandy, and mv_snow, which required running METviewer separately for each case by pointing to the specific ${CASE_DIR} directory. While sometimes it is desirable for each case to have its own database within a single METviewer instance, sometimes it is advantageous to load MET output from multiple cases into the same METviewer instance. For example, if a user had multiple WRF configurations they were running over one case, and they wanted to track the performance of the different configurations, they could load both case outputs into METviewer and analyze them together. The customization example below demonstrates how to load MET output from multiple cases into a METviewer database.

Load MET output from multiple cases into a METviewer database

In this example, we will execute a series of three steps: 1) reorganize the MET output from multiple cases to live under a new, top-level directory, 2) launch the METviewer container, using a modified Docker compose YML file, and 3) execute a modified METviewer load script to load the data into the desired database. For example purposes, we will have two cases: sandy (supplied, unmodified sandy case from the tutorial) and sandy_mp8 (modified sandy case to use Thompson microphysics, option 8); these instructions will only focus on the METviewer steps, assuming the cases have been run through the step to execute MET and create verification output.

Note, in order to plot the different cases as separate lines on verification graphics, you need to make sure to set the MET 'MODEL' name to unique values! This is accomplished by changing 'MODEL' under the 'MET settings' section in the $PROJ_DIR/container-dtc-nwp/components/scripts/CASE/set_env.ksh file, where CASE is the case you are running (e.g., sandy_20121027).

Step 1: Reorganize the MET output

In order to load MET output from multiple cases in a METviewer database, the output must be rearranged from its original directory structure (e.g., $PROJ_DIR/sandy) to live under a new, top-level cases directory (e.g., $PROJ_DIR/cases/sandy). In addition, a new, shared metviewer/mysql directory must also be created.

mkdir -p $PROJ_DIR/cases/sandy $PROJ_DIR/cases/sandy_mp8
mkdir -p $PROJ_DIR/metviewer/mysql

Once the directories are created, the MET output needs to be copied from the original location to the new location.

cp -r $PROJ_DIR/sandy/metprd/* $PROJ_DIR/cases/sandy
cp -r $PROJ_DIR/sandy_mp8/metprd/* $PROJ_DIR/cases/sandy_mp8

Step 2: Launch the METviewer container

In order to visualize the MET output from multiple cases using the METviewer database and display system, you first need to launch the METviewer container. These modified YML files differ from the original files used in the supplied cases by modifying the volume mounts to no longer be case-specific (i.e., use $CASE_DIR).

cd ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components/metviewer

docker-compose -f docker-compose-cases.yml up -d  

docker-compose -f docker-compose-AWS-cases.yml up -d

Step 3: Load MET output into the database(s)

The MET output then needs to be loaded into the MySQL database for querying and plotting by METviewer by executing the load script (metv_load_cases.ksh), which requires three command line arguments: 1) name of database to load MET output (e.g., mv_cases), 2) path in Docker space where the case data will be mapped, which will be /data/{name of case directory used in Step 1}, and 3) whether you want a new database to load MET output into (YES) or load MET output into a pre-existing database (NO). In this example, where we have sandy and sandy_mp8 output, the following commands would be issued:

docker exec -it metviewer /scripts/common/metv_load_cases.ksh mv_cases /data/sandy YES
docker exec -it metviewer /scripts/common/metv_load_cases.ksh mv_cases /data/sandy_mp8 NO

The METviewer GUI can then be accessed with the following URL copied and pasted into your web browser:


Note, if you are running on AWS, run the following commands to reconfigure METviewer with your current IP address and restart the web service:

   docker exec -it metviewer /bin/bash

The METviewer GUI can then be accessed with the following URL copied and pasted into your web browser (where IPV4_public_IP is your IPV4Public IP from the AWS “Active Instances” web page):


These commands would load sandy and sandy_mp8 MET output into the mv_cases database. An example METviewer plot using sandy sandy_mp8 MET output is shown below (click here for XML used to create the plot).

If you have further questions regarding customization, please post them to the Customization Category of DTC NWP Containers GitHub Discussions forum.
jwolff Wed, 03/20/2019 - 19:45