Run NWP model

Run NWP model

Run NWP Model

To integrate the WRF forecast model through time, we use the wrf.exe program and point to the initial and boundary condition files created in the previous initialization, and optional data assimilation, step(s).


Using the previously downloaded data (in ${PROJ_DIR}/data), while pointing to the namelists in the local scripts directory, run the dtcenter/wps_wrf container to run WRF in docker-space and map the output into the local wrfprd directory.

Note: Read the following two options carefully and decide which one is right for you to run - you DO NOT need to run both. Option One runs with 4 processors by default and Option Two allows for a user specified number of processors using the "-np #" option.

Option One: Default number (4) of processors

By default WRF will run with 4 processors using the following command: 

docker run --rm -it -e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` \
-v ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components/scripts/common:/home/scripts/common \
-v ${CASE_DIR}/wrfprd:/home/wrfprd -v ${CASE_DIR}/wpsprd:/home/wpsprd \
-v ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components/scripts/snow_20160123:/home/scripts/case \
--name run-dtc-nwp-snow dtcenter/wps_wrf:${PROJ_VERSION} /home/scripts/common/run_wrf.ksh

Option Two: User-specified number of processors

If you run into trouble on your machine when using 4 processors, you may want to run with fewer (or more!) processors by passing the "-np #" option to the script. For example the following command runs with 2 processors:

docker run --rm -it -e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` \
-v ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components/scripts/common:/home/scripts/common \
-v ${CASE_DIR}/wrfprd:/home/wrfprd -v ${CASE_DIR}/wpsprd:/home/wpsprd \
-v ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components/scripts/snow_20160123:/home/scripts/case \
--name run-dtc-nwp-snow dtcenter/wps_wrf:${PROJ_VERSION} /home/scripts/common/run_wrf.ksh -np 2

As WRF is run the NetCDF output files will appear in the local wrfprd/. Please review the contents of that directory to interrogate the data.

Once WRF begins running, you can watch the log file being generated in another window by setting the ${CASE_DIR} environment variable and tailing the log file:

tail -f ${CASE_DIR}/wrfprd/rsl.out.0000

Type CTRL-C to exit the tail.

A successful completion of the WRF step will result in the following files (in addition to other files) in the wrfprd directory:

ls ${CASE_DIR}/wrfprd/wrfout*

Using the previously downloaded data in ${PROJ_DIR}/data, while pointing to the namelists in the local scripts directory, create a container from the wps_wrf image to run WRF in singularity-space and map the output into the local wrfprd directory.

Note: Read the following two options carefully and decide which one is right for you to run - you DO NOT need to run both. Option One runs with 4 processors by default and Option Two allows for a user specified number of processors using the "-np #" option.

Option One: Default number (4) of processors

By default WRF will run with 4 processors using the following command: 

singularity exec -B ${PROJ_DIR}/data:/data -B ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components/scripts/common:/home/scripts/common -B ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components/scripts/snow_20160123:/home/scripts/case -B ${CASE_DIR}/wpsprd:/home/wpsprd -B ${CASE_DIR}/wrfprd:/home/wrfprd ../wps_wrf_${PROJ_VERSION}_for_singularity.sif /home/scripts/common/run_wrf.ksh
Note: If you are running on NCAR's Cheyenne you will need to modify the the singularity exec command above to include a bind mount for "-B /glade:/glade" as well.

Option Two: User-specified number of processors

If you run into trouble on your machine when using 4 processors, you may want to run with fewer (or more!) processors by passing the "-np #" option to the script. For example the following command runs with 2 processors:

singularity exec -B ${PROJ_DIR}/data:/data -B ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components/scripts/common:/home/scripts/common -B ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components/scripts/snow_20160123:/home/scripts/case -B ${CASE_DIR}/wpsprd:/home/wpsprd -B ${CASE_DIR}/wrfprd:/home/wrfprd ../wps_wrf_${PROJ_VERSION}_for_singularity.sif /home/scripts/common/run_wrf.ksh -np 2
Note: If you are running on NCAR's Cheyenne you will need to modify the the singularity exec command above to include a bind mount for "-B /glade:/glade" as well.

As WRF is run the NetCDF output files will appear in the local wrfprd/. Please review the contents of that directory to interrogate the data.

Once WRF begins running, you can watch the log file being generated in another window by setting the ${CASE_DIR} environment variable and tailing the log file:

tail -f ${CASE_DIR}/wrfprd/rsl.out.0000

Type CTRL-C to exit the tail.

A successful completion of the WRF step will result in the following files (in addition to other files) in the wrfprd directory:

ls ${CASE_DIR}/wrfprd/wrfout*
jwolff Wed, 03/20/2019 - 19:39