WPS and WRF NWP Components

WPS and WRF NWP Components

The wps_wrf software container consists of two components:

  • WRF Preprocessing System (WPS)
  • Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) model

There are three options for establishing the image from which the software container will be instantiated.  Please follow the appropriate section below that fits your needs.

Option 1: Pull the dtcenter/wps_wrf image from Docker Hub

If you do not want to build the image from scratch, simply use the prebuilt image by pulling it from Docker Hub.

cd ${PROJ_DIR}
docker pull dtcenter/wps_wrf:${PROJ_VERSION}

To see what images you have available on your system, type:

docker images

Option 2: Build the dtcenter/wps_wrf image from scratch

Building the WPS/WRF image from scratch may require more than the default amount of memory in Docker Desktop. If you experience build failures, try increasing Docker Desktop > Preferences > Resources > Memory to at least 10.00 GB.

To access the preprocessing (WPS) and model (WRF) code from the Git repository and build the image from scratch, first go to your project space where you cloned the repository:

cd ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components

and then build an image called dtcenter/wps_wrf:

cd wps_wrf ; docker build -t dtcenter/wps_wrf:${PROJ_VERSION} . ; cd ..

This command goes into the wps_wrf directory and reads the Dockerfile directives. Please review the contents of the wps_wrf/Dockerfile for additional information.

To see what images you have available on your system, type:

docker images

Option 3: Pull the dtcenter/wps_wrf Docker Hub image and convert it to a Singularity image

If you are using Singularity rather than Docker, the commands are similar:

cd ${PROJ_DIR}
singularity pull docker://dtcenter/wps_wrf:${PROJ_VERSION}_for_singularity
NOTE: We provide a Singularity-specific tag for the wps_wrf container because it removes some permissions features that are not necessary for Singularity, and can potentially cause problems for multi-node applications. For more information, reference the page "Running WRF on multiple nodes with Singularity". 

Unlike Docker, Singularity does not keep track of available images in a global environment; images are stored in image files with the .sif extension. Use the `ls` command to see the image file you just downloaded

ls -al *.sif
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ec2-user ec2-user 1022369792 Feb  8 20:26 wps_wrf_${PROJ_VERSION}_for_singularity.sif
jwolff Tue, 03/19/2019 - 11:43