Sandy Data

Sandy Data jwolff Mon, 03/25/2019 - 09:43

For the Hurricane Sandy case example, Global Forecast System (GFS) forecast files initialized at 12 UTC on 20121027 out 48 hours in 3-hr increments are provided. Prepbufr files from the North American Data Assimilation System (NDAS) are provided for point verification and data assimilation, and Stage II precipitation analyses are included for gridded verification purposes.

There are two options for establishing the image from which the data container will be instantiated:

  1. Pull the image from Docker Hub
  2. Build the image from scratch

Please follow the appropriate section below that fits your needs.

Option 1: Pull the dtcenter/sandy image from Docker Hub

If you do not want to build the image from scratch, simply use the prebuilt image by pulling it from Docker Hub.

cd ${PROJ_DIR}
docker pull dtcenter/sandy

To instantiate the data container, type the following:

docker create -v /data/sandy_20121027 --name sandy dtcenter/sandy

To see what images you have available on your system, type:

docker images

To see what containers you have running on your system, type:

docker ps -a

Option 2: Build the dtcenter/sandy image from scratch

To access the model initialization data for the Hurricane Sandy case from the Git repository and build it from scratch, first go to your project space where you cloned the repository:

cd ${PROJ_DIR}/container-dtc-nwp/components

and then build an image called dtcenter/sandy:

cd case_data/sandy_20121027 ; docker build -t dtcenter/sandy . ; cd ../..

This command goes into the case_data/sandy_20121027 directory and reads the Dockerfile directives. Please review the contents of the case_data/sandy_20121027/Dockerfile for additional information.

To instantiate the case data container, type the following:

docker create -v /data/sandy_20121027 --name sandy dtcenter/sandy

To see what images you have available on your system, type:

docker images

To see what containers you have running on your system, type:

docker ps -a