Required Software and Libraries

Required Software and Libraries admin Fri, 03/01/2019 - 10:54

Before installing the UPP code, it is necessary to ensure that you have the required libraries available on your system. These libraries include:

  • Unidata's NetCDF library (here)
  • The NCEP libraries for the UPP application (here)

For instructions on building the NCEP libraries required for UPP, please refer to the README document in the NCEPlibs directory.

Note: These are specific versions of the NCEP libraries maintained by NCAR/DTC and other versions of NCEPlibs may not work.

The UPP has some sample visualization scripts included to create graphics using: 

Note: These are not part of the UPP installation and need to be installed separately if one would like to use either plotting package. 

arrow It is important to note that these libraries must be installed with the same compiler as will be used to install UPP.