Run on TC-Pairs output

Run on TC-Pairs output

TC-Stat: Run on TC-Pairs output

Run the TC-Stat using the following command:

tc_stat \
-lookin ../tc_pairs/tc_pairs.tcst \
-config TCStatConfig_tutorial -v 3

Open the output file tc_stat.tcst. We can see that this filter job simply event equalized the two models specified in amodel.

vi tc_stat.tcst

Let's try to filter further, this time using the command line rather than the configuration file:

tc_stat \
-job filter -lookin ../tc_pairs/tc_pairs.tcst \
-dump_row tc_stat2.tcst \
-water_only TRUE \
-column_str LEVEL HU,TS,TD,SS,SD \
-event_equal TRUE \
-match_points TRUE -v 3

Here, we ran a filter job at the command line: only keeping tracks over water (not encountering land) and with categories Hurricane (HU), Tropical Storm (TS), Tropical Depression (TD), Subtropical Storm (SS), and Subtropical Depression (SD).

Open the output file tc_stat2.tcst: notice fewer lines have been kept. Look at the "LEVEL" column ... note all the non-tropical and subtropical level classifications have been filtered out of the sample.

vi tc_stat2.tcst

Also, find the columns ADLAND and BDLAND. All these values are now positive, meaning the tracks over land (negative values) have been filtered.

With the filtering jobs mastered, lets give the second type of job - summary jobs - a try!

cindyhg Mon, 06/24/2019 - 12:03