

Stat-Analysis Tool: Output

On the previous page, we generated the output file aggr_ctc_lines.out by using the -out command line argument.

Open that file using the text editor of your choice, and be sure to turn word-wrapping off.

This file contains the output for the two jobs we ran through the configuration file. The output for each job consists of 3 lines as follows:

  1. The JOB_LIST line contains the job filtering parameters applied for this job.
  2. The COL_NAME line contains the column names for the data to follow in the next line.
  3. The third line consists of the line type generated (CTC and CTS in this case) followed by the values computed for that line type.
Next, try running the Stat-Analysis tool on the output file ../point_stat/point_stat_run2_360000L_20070331_120000V.stat. Start by running the following job:
stat_analysis \
-lookin ../point_stat/point_stat_run2_360000L_20070331_120000V.stat \
-v 2 \
-job aggregate \
-fcst_var TMP \
-fcst_lev Z2 \
-vx_mask EAST -vx_mask WEST \
-interp_pnts 1 \
-line_type CTC \
-fcst_thresh ">278.0"

This job should aggregate 2 CTC lines for 2-meter temperature across the EAST and WEST regions.

Next, try creating your own Stat-Analysis command line jobs to do the following:
  1. Do the same aggregation as above but for the 5x5 interpolation output (i.e. 25 points instead of 1 point).
  2. Do the aggregation listed in (1) but compute the corresponding contingency table statistics (CTS) line. Hint: you will need to change the job type to aggregate_stat and specify the desired -out_line_type.
    How do the scores change when you increase the number of interpolation points? Did you expect this?
  3. Aggregate the scalar partial sums lines (SL1L2) for 2-meter temperature across the EAST and WEST masking regions.
    How does aggregating the East and West domains affect the output?
  4. Do the aggregation listed in (3) but compute the corresponding continuous statistics (CNT) line. Hint: use the aggregate_stat job type.
  5. Run an aggregate_stat job directly on the matched pair data (MPR lines), and use the -out_line_type command line argument to select the type of output to be generated. You'll likely have to supply additional command line arguments depending on what computation you request.


Now answer this question about this Stat-Analysis output:
  1. How do the scores compare to the original (separated by level) scores? What information is gained by aggregating the statistics?
When doing the exercises above, don't forget to use the -dump_row command line option to verify that you're running the job over the STAT lines you intended.
If you get stuck on any of these exercises, you may refer to the exercise answers on the next page. We will return to the Stat-Analysis tool in the future practical sessions.
cindyhg Tue, 06/25/2019 - 09:13