Run on Point-Stat output

Run on Point-Stat output

Stat-Analysis Tool: Run on Point-Stat output

Now, run Stat-Analysis on the command line using the following command:
stat_analysis \
-config STATAnalysisConfig_tutorial \
-lookin ../point_stat \
-v 2

The output for these two jobs are printed to the screen.

Try redirecting their output to a file by adding the -out command line argument:
stat_analysis \
-config STATAnalysisConfig_tutorial \
-lookin ../point_stat \
-v 2 \
-out aggr_ctc_lines.out

The output was written to aggr_ctc_lines.out. We'll look at this file in the next section.

Next, try running the first job again, but entirely on the command line without a configuration file:
stat_analysis \
-lookin ../point_stat \
-v 2 \
-job aggregate \
-line_type CTC \
-fcst_thresh ">273.0" \
-vx_mask FULL \
-interp_mthd NEAREST

Note that we had to put double quotes (") around the forecast theshold string for this to work.

Next, run the same command but add the -dump_row command line option. This will redirect all of the STAT lines used by the job to a file. Also, add the -out_stat command line option. This will write a full STAT output file, including the 22 header columns:
stat_analysis \
-lookin ../point_stat \
-v 2 \
-job aggregate \
-line_type CTC \
-fcst_thresh ">273.0" \
-vx_mask FULL \
-interp_mthd NEAREST \
-dump_row aggr_ctc_job.stat \
-out_stat aggr_ctc_job_out.stat
Open up the file aggr_ctc_job.stat to see the 2 STAT lines used by this job.
vi aggr_ctc_job.stat
Open up the file aggr_ctc_job_out.stat to see the 1 output STAT line. Notice that the FCST_LEV and OBS_LEV columns contain the input strings concatenated together.
vi aggr_ctc_job_out.stat
Try re-running this job using -set_hdr FCST_LEV P1050-500 and -set_hdr OBS_LEV P1050-500. How does that affect the output?
The use of the -dump_row option is highly recommended to ensure that your analysis jobs run on the exact set of data that you intended. It's easy to make mistakes here!
cindyhg Tue, 06/25/2019 - 08:39