End of Session 4 and Additional Exercises

End of Session 4 and Additional Exercises

End of Practical Session 4

Congratulations! You have completed Session 4!

If you have extra time, you may want to try these additional METplus exercises. The answers are found on the next page.

Instructions: Modify the METplus configuration files to build a 3 hour accumulation instead of a 6 hour accumulation from forecast data using pcp_combine in the HREF MEAN vs. MRMS QPE example. Then compare 3 hour accumulations in the forecast and observation data with grid_stat.
Copy your custom configuration file and rename it to GridStat-ensemble.accum_3hr.conf for this exercise.
cp ${METPLUS_BUILD_BASE}/parm/use_cases/model_applications/precipitation/GridStat_fcstHRRR-TLE_obsStgIV_GRIB.conf \
Open GridStat-ensemble.accum_3hr.conf with an editor and change values.
vi ${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/user_config/GridStat-ensemble.accum_3hr.conf
HINT: There is a variable in the observation data named BOTH_VAR1_LEVELS that currently contains a 6 hour accumulation. 
Rerun METplus passing in your new custom config file, tutorial.conf, and setting the new OUTPUT_BASE for this exercise.
run_metplus.py \
${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/user_config/GridStat-ensemble.accum_3hr.conf \
${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/tutorial.conf \
Review the log file. You should see Pcp-Combine read 3 files and run Grid-Stat comparing both 3 hour accumulations.
ls ${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/output/exercises/accum_3hr/logs/master_metplus.log.*

DEBUG 1: Reading data (name="APCP"; level="A01";) from input file: /d1/projects/METplus/METplus_Data/model_applications/precipitation/StageIV/20160904/ST4.2016090418.01h
DEBUG 1: Reading data (name="APCP"; level="A01";) from input file: /d1/projects/METplus/METplus_Data/model_applications/precipitation/StageIV/20160904/ST4.2016090417.01h
DEBUG 1: Reading data (name="APCP"; level="A01";) from input file: /d1/projects/METplus/METplus_Data/model_applications/precipitation/StageIV/20160904/ST4.2016090416.01h
DEBUG 2: Skipping 480079 of 987601 grid points which do not meet the valid data threshold (1).
DEBUG 1: Creating output file: /path/to/tutorial/output/exercises/accum_3hr/model_applications/precipitation/GridStat_fcstHRRR-TLE_obsStgIV_GRIB/uswrp/StageIV_grib/bucket/20160904/ST4.2016090418_A03h
DEBUG 2: Writing output variable "APCP_03" for the "sum" of "APCP/A01".

Go to the next page for the solution to see if you were right!
Instructions: Modify the METplus configuration files to force Pcp-Combine to use six 1 hour accumulation files instead of one 6 hour accumulation file of observation data in the PHPT vs. StageIV GRIB example.
Tip: Recall from the original QPF exercise that METplus used a 6 hour observation accumulation file as input to Pcp-Combine to build a 6 hour accumulation file for the example where forecast lead = 6.

From the log output found in ${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/output/logs:  

DEBUG 2: Performing derivation command (sum) for 1 files.
DEBUG 1: Reading data (name="APCP"; level="A6";) from input file: /path/to/METplus_Data/qpf/uswrp/StageIV/20160904/ST4.2016090418.06h
DEBUG 2: Skipping 399779 of 987601 grid points which do not meet the valid data threshold (1).
DEBUG 1: Creating output file: /path/to/tutorial/output/qpf-prob/uswrp/StageIV_grib/bucket/20160904/ST4.2016090418_A06h
DEBUG 2: Writing output variable "APCP_06" for the "sum" of "APCP/A6".
Copy your custom configuration file and rename it to GridStat-ensemble.input_1hr.conf for this exercise.
cd ${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/user_config
cp GridStat-ensemble.accum_3hr.conf GridStat-ensemble.input_1hr.conf
Open GridStat-ensemble.input_1hr.conf with an editor and add the extra information.
vi ${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/user_config/GridStat-ensemble.input_1hr.conf
HINT 1: The variables that you need to add must go under the [config] section.
HINT 2: The FCST_PCP_COMBINE_INPUT_LEVEL and OBS_PCP_COMBINE_INPUT_LEVEL variables set the accumulation interval that is found in grib2 input data for forecast and observation data respectively.
Rerun METplus passing in your new custom config file for this exercise keeping in mind to order of configuration files matters and the OUTPUT_BASE set on the command line will override what is in the tutorial.conf file
run_metplus.py \
${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/user_config/GridStat-ensemble.input_1hr.conf \
${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/tutorial.conf \

DEBUG 2: Performing derivation command (sum) for 6 files.
DEBUG 1: Reading data (name="APCP"; level="A01";) from input file: /d1/projects/METplus/METplus_Data/model_applications/precipitation/StageIV/20160904/ST4.2016090418.01h
DEBUG 1: Reading data (name="APCP"; level="A01";) from input file: /d1/projects/METplus/METplus_Data/model_applications/precipitation/StageIV/20160904/ST4.2016090417.01h
DEBUG 1: Reading data (name="APCP"; level="A01";) from input file: /d1/projects/METplus/METplus_Data/model_applications/precipitation/StageIV/20160904/ST4.2016090416.01h
DEBUG 1: Reading data (name="APCP"; level="A01";) from input file: /d1/projects/METplus/METplus_Data/model_applications/precipitation/StageIV/20160904/ST4.2016090415.01h
DEBUG 1: Reading data (name="APCP"; level="A01";) from input file: /d1/projects/METplus/METplus_Data/model_applications/precipitation/StageIV/20160904/ST4.2016090414.01h
DEBUG 1: Reading data (name="APCP"; level="A01";) from input file: /d1/projects/METplus/METplus_Data/model_applications/precipitation/StageIV/20160904/ST4.2016090413.01h
DEBUG 2: Skipping 480079 of 987601 grid points which do not meet the valid data threshold (1).
DEBUG 1: Creating output file: /path/to/tutorial/output/exercises/input_1hr/model_applications/precipitation/GridStat_fcstHRRR-TLE_obsStgIV_GRIB/uswrp/StageIV_grib/bucket/20160904/ST4.2016090418_A06h
DEBUG 2: Writing output variable "APCP_06" for the "sum" of "APCP/A01".

Go to the next page for the solution to see if you were right!
cindyhg Tue, 06/25/2019 - 09:21

Answers to Exercises from Session 4

Answers to Exercises from Session 4

Answers to Exercises from Session 4

These are the answers to the exercises from the previous page. Feel free to ask a METplus team member if you have any questions!

Instructions: Modify the METplus configuration files to build a 3 hour accumulation instead of a 6 hour accumulation from forecast data using Pcp-Combine in the HREF MEAN vs. MRMS QPE example. Then compare 3 hour accumulations in the forecast and observation data with grid_stat.

Answer: In the user_config/GridStat-ensemble.accum_3hr.conf file, change the following variables in the [config] section: 





Instructions: Modify the METplus configuration files to force Pcp-Combine to use six 1 hour accumulation files instead of one 6 hour accumulation file of observation data in the PHPT vs. StageIV GRIB example.

Answer: In the user_config/GridStat-ensemble.input_1hr.conf file, change the following variable to the [config] section: 



Back to:


Also change:



cindyhg Tue, 06/25/2019 - 09:23