

Next, run Grid-Stat on the command line using the following command:

grid_stat \
${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/output/met_output/pcp_combine/ \
${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/output/met_output/pcp_combine/ \
${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/output/met_output/grid_stat/GridStatConfig_tutorial \
-outdir ${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/output/met_output/grid_stat \
-v 2

Grid-Stat is now performing the verification tasks we requested in the configuration file. It should take a minute or two to run. The status messages written to the screen indicate progress.

In this example, Grid-Stat performs several verification tasks in evaluating the 12-hour accumulated precipiation field:

  • For continuous statistics and partial sums (CNT and SL1L2), 15 output lines each:
    (1 field * 15 masking regions)
  • For contingency table counts and statistics (CTC and CTS), 45 output lines each:
    (1 field * 3 raw thresholds * 15 masking regions)
  • For neighborhood methods (NBRCNT, NBRCTC, and NBRCTS), 90 output lines each:
    (1 field * 3 raw thresholds * 2 neighborhood sizes * 15 masking regions)

To greatly increase the runtime performance of Grid-Stat, you could disable the computation of bootstrap confidence intervals in the configuration file. Edit the GridStatConfig_tutorial file as follows:

vi GridStatConfig_tutorial
  • In the boot dictionary, set:
    n_rep = 0;

    To disable the computation of bootstrap confidence intervals.

Now, try rerunning the Grid-Stat command listed above and notice how much faster it runs. While bootstrap confidence intervals are nice to have, they take a long time to compute, especially for gridded data.

admin Mon, 06/24/2019 - 16:17