Additional Topic: compilation

Additional Topic: compilation carson Mon, 12/30/2019 - 14:31

Source code and compilation


The source code for the Single Column Model and the CCPP Physics are hosted on GitHub in public repositories.  For this Short Course, these have been pre-installled for you.  You can download the code yourself on your own machine as follows:


git clone --recursive -b dtc/develop


The Users Guide for the SCM describes the required pre-requisite compilers and libraries.  These MUST be installed (or already available) on your system BEFORE attempting to compile the SCM.  Install any necessary pre-requisite compilers, MPI libraries, etc, as described in the Users Guide, then compile the SCM as follows:


cd gmtb-scm/scm
mkdir bin
cd bin
cmake -DSTATIC=ON ../src

This will create an executable, gmtb_scm, in the current working directory.