TWP-ICE case
TWP-ICE case carson Fri, 12/20/2019 - 15:31TWP-ICE maritime deep convection case
Let’s move on to the TWP-ICE maritime deep convection case. Run the following to generate plots for this case:
cd ../../..
./ twpice_short_course.ini
cd plots_twpice_short_course/comp/active/
eog profiles_bias_T.png
While this case spans periods of clear skies, shallow convection, and deep convection, the plots represent time means over the actively deep convection period of the simulation. Let’s focus on the mean temperature profile, its bias (difference from observations), and the temperature tendencies due to forcing and physics processes.
The mean temperature profile by itself doesn’t provide much information since the differences among the suites is much smaller than the magnitude of the quantity being plotted, but the profiles begin to hint at differences. The bias profile is more instructive in this case. One suite clearly has a cool bias throughout most of the atmosphere, while the remaining two suites have a similar magnitude cool bias, but are closer to zero bias at different heights in the column.