Compile UPP

Compile UPP cindyhg Tue, 10/15/2019 - 11:38

Compile UPP

Set Environment Variables

Before compiling UPP, check that the HWRF environment variable is set:

echo $HWRF
If it is not set to 1, set it by typing the following: setenv HWRF 1


Next, set WRF_DIR to its absolute path:
setenv WRF_DIR /glade/scratch/${USER}/HWRF_building/hwrfrun/sorc/WRFV3/


Configure UPP

To build UPP for HWRF, change into the UPP directory (cd /glade/scratch/${USER}/HWRF_building/hwrfrun/sorc/UPP), clean (remove pre-compile) and issue the configure command.


./clean -a

To configure the UPP for compilation, type:




to generate the UPP configure file. 


You will then be given a list of configuration choices tailored to your computer. Choose option 4.


Compile UPP

To compile UPP, enter the command:


./compile |& tee compile_upp.log


This command should create 13 UPP libraries in lib/ :

  • libbacio.a
  • libCRTM.a
  • libg2.a
  • libg2tmpl.a
  • libgfsio.a
  • libip.a
  • libnemsio.a
  • libsfcio.a
  • libsigio.a
  • libsp.a
  • libw3emc.a
  • libw3nco.a
  • libxmlparse.a

and four UPP executables in bin/ :

  • unipost.exe
  • ndate.exe
  • copygb.exe
  • cnvgrib.exe


To remove all built files, as well as the configure.upp, type:


./clean -a

When the compilation is complete, a listing of the bin directory should reveal executables for each of the four UPP programs. If any of these executables do not exist, check the compilation output in the compile_upp.log file to see what went wrong.