Compile GSI

Compile GSI cindyhg Tue, 10/15/2019 - 11:37

Compile GSI

Set Environment Variables

To set up the environment for GSI, there are a couple environment variables not set in ~/.cshrc. These can be set by typing:

setenv HWRF 1

setenv WRF_DIR /glade/scratch/${USER}/HWRF_building/hwrfrun/sorc/WRFV3/



Configure GSI

To build GSI for HWRF, change into the GSI/dtc directory (cd /glade/scratch/${USER}/HWRF_building/hwrfrun/sorc/GSI/dtc), clean (remove pre-compile) and issue the configure command.


./clean -a



Choose option 6 for Intel compiler with dmpar.


Compile GSI

After selecting the proper option, run the compile script:


./compile |& tee compile_gsi.log


Following the compile command, the GSI executable gsi.exe can be found in the dtc/run/ directory.

If the compilation does not succeed in producing the executable (GSI/dtc/run/gsi.exe), check your environment settings and examine the compile_gsi.log file created. It will be necessary to conduct a clean on the GSI/dtc directory. A complete clean (./clean -a) is strongly recommended if the compilation failed or if the configuration file is changed.

For your reference, a full description of the build process is availabe in chapter 2 of the HWRF Users' Guide.


Note: This compilation can take 15 minutes or more.