Compile WRFV3

Compile WRFV3 cindyhg Tue, 10/15/2019 - 11:34

Compilation: Compile WRFV3

Compile WRFV3 for real casesThe following exercise is intended to give you practice building the WRF-NMM. Compilation for both the real and idealized cases are provided below.

Set Environment Variables and Load Modules

Before building the WRF code, you must have a compiler and NetCDF modules loaded. Your environment has already been configured by editing your ~/.cshrc file. To check the loaded modules, type:

module list

Compilation of WRF is necessary prior to the compilation of WPS, UPP, and GSI.

Before getting started, create a directory and expand the code tarballs in it.

mkdir -p /glade/scratch/${USER}/HWRF_building/hwrfrun/sorc/

cd /glade/scratch/${USER}/HWRF_building/hwrfrun/sorc
tar -xzvf /glade/p/ral/jnt/HWRF/HWRF_v3.9a_tut_codes/HWRF_v3.9a_WRFV3.tar.gz
tar -xzvf /glade/p/ral/jnt/HWRF/HWRF_v3.9a_tut_codes/HWRF_v3.9a_WPSV3.tar.gz
tar -xzvf /glade/p/ral/jnt/HWRF/HWRF_v3.9a_tut_codes/HWRF_v3.9a_UPP.tar.gz
tar -xzvf /glade/p/ral/jnt/HWRF/HWRF_v3.9a_tut_codes/HWRF_v3.9a_GSI.tar.gz

To build WRF, start by moving into the WRF source code directory,

cd /glade/scratch/${USER}/HWRF_building/hwrfrun/sorc/WRFV3/

Since this component comes pre-compiled, start by conducting a full clean of the directory,

./clean -a

Before configuring, set the environmental variables:

setenv HWRF 1

setenv WRF_NMM_CORE 1

setenv WRF_NMM_NEST 1





Configure WRF-NMM for HWRF

To configure WRF-NMM, go to the top of the WRF directory
cd /glade/scratch/${USER}/HWRF_building/hwrfrun/sorc/WRFV3
and type:




You will be presented with a list of build choices for your computer. For Cheyenne, choose option 15 for Intel with distributed memory (dmpar).


Compile WRF-NMM for HWRF

To build the WRF-NMM component, enter the command


./compile nmm_real |& tee compile_nmm.log


It takes about 30 minutes for the WRF-NMM compilation to complete.


Note: If the compilation is sucessful, the two executables, real_nmm.exe and wrf.exe, will be created in the WRFV3/main/ directory. If the compilation is not successful, check your environment settings and examine the compile_nmm.log file created.

To start over, clean the directories and return to the ./configure step described above. A complete clean is strongly recommended if the compilation failed, if the Registry has been changed, or if the configuration file is changed. For your reference, a full description of the WRF-NMM build process is availabe in chapter 2 of the HWRF Users' Guide.


To conduct a partial clean that retains the configuration file, and just removes the object files (except those in external/), type:




To conduct a complete clean which removes all built files in all directories, as well as the configure.wrf, type:


./clean -a


A successful compilation produces two executables in the directory main/:





Compile Idealized Tropical Cyclone WRF-NMM

The HWRF idealized tropical cyclone WRF-NMM component requires different executables than for the real case. The following section will describe how to build the executables for the idealized case.


Start by creating copying the WRF code into a directory for the WRF-Idealized compilation.


cd /glade/scratch/${USER}/HWRF_building/hwrfrun/sorc

cp -r WRFV3 WRFV3-Idealized

cd WRFV3-Idealized


Building the idealized component requires a slightly different configuration than for the standard WRF build. Therefore, the idealized build is in a seperate directory. Beause this componenet is pre-compiled, a complete clean of the previous build must be performed:

./clean -a

This removes ALL build files, including the executables, libraries, and the configure.hwrf.


Set Environment Variables

Correct configuration of WRF-NMM for the HWRF idealized tropical cyclone simulation requires setting the additional environment variable IDEAL_NMM_TC. Be sure you have also loaded the compiler modules described previously for the WRF compile. Several other variables must also be set:


setenv WRF_NMM_CORE 1

setenv WRF_NMM_NEST 1

setenv HWRF 1

setenv IDEAL_NMM_TC 1



Configure WRF-NMM for Idealized Tropical Cyclone

At the top of the WRF directory (/glade/scratch/${USER}/HWRF_building/hwrfrun/sorc/WRFV3-Idealized/WRFV3), issue following the command:


You will be presented with a list of build choices for your computer. For Cheyenne, choose option 15.


Compiling WRF-NMM for Idealized Tropical Cyclone

Once the configure step is complete, the code is compiled by including the target nmm_tropical_cyclone to the compile command:

./compile nmm_tropical_cyclone


A successful compilation produces two executables in the directory main/:


ideal.exe   WRF initialization

wrf.exe   WRF model integration


Note: The only compilation requirements for the idealized capability are WPS and WRF. If wanted, UPP may also be used. The components MPIPOM-TC and coupler, GSI, GFDL vortex tracker, and hwrf-utilities are not used in HWRF idealized tropical cyclone simulations.