
Unpost cindyhg Tue, 10/15/2019 - 10:50

Run Unpost

Start by entering the wrappers directory:The purpose of this script is to delete output from any previous attempt to run the same cycle.  

cd ${SCRATCH}/hwrfrun/wrappers

Next, copy and edit the qsub template according to the example.

Finally, submit the job:

qsub run.unpost.csh

The unpost job should take approximately 1 minute to run. However, your runtime may vary.

Status Check: In the standard output file from the batch script, you will find the line INFO: unpost completed.

Where in the process of running HWRF?

This chart shows the workflow of the HWRF system. The green box(es) show the step(s) just completed. The components stacked together can be run simultaneously.