Setting Up the GSI Observer Run

Setting Up the GSI Observer Run cindyhg Tue, 08/20/2019 - 13:03

Case 3: Global T254 Case

Setting Up the GSI Observer Run

  • Edit the GSI observer run script in comgsi_run_gfs.ksh:
  • The example run script (comgsi_run_gfs.ksh) is located in the comGSIv3.7_EnKFv1.3/ush directory of the GSI/EnKF system. Make the following changes to the script in order to run this case:


    ANAL_TIME 2014092918
    GFSCASE enkf_glb_t62
    JOB_DIR (PATH)/run
    RUN_NAME case25-observer-gfs
    OBS_ROOT PATH/enkf_glb_T62/obs
    BK_ROOT PATH/enkf_glb_T62/bkg
    GSI_ROOT PATH/comGSIv3.7_EnKFv1.3
    GSI_EXE ${JOB_DIR}/gsi.x
    FIX_ROOT ${GSI_ROOT}/fix


    • Job head:
    • This depends on the specifics of your computer system such as operating system and batch queue, if any.
    • Define number of cores and machine type
    • define the following variables in comgsi_run_gfs.ksh based on previous setup:
    • NOTE:
      • The PATH should be replaced with a real path in your computer.
    • Define run GSI observer only and ensemble members
    • Background ensemble is set for GFS naming convention. When if_observer=Yes is set, GSI only run observation operator part and skip the minimaztion:

      In this example we are running the enkf_glb_t62 spectral resolution case.

      The example script can be found : here