Case 3: Global T254 Case

Case 3: Global T254 Case cindyhg Tue, 08/20/2019 - 13:01

Case 3: Global T254 Case


Case: 12Z analysis on April 05th, 2014: global t254

This case is used as an example to introduce how to setup run scripts for the GSI observer and EnKF and check results for a global analysis application. The following example demonstrates the steps to run this case on NCAR's supercomputer, Yellowstone. The steps should apply to other systems with minor changes. GSI version 3.7 as the observer and EnKF v1.3 (global executable) have been compiled on Yellowstone.

  1. Create the data directory ./enkfdata and download, untar the data files. The case data is now populated in:
  2. Create a working directory or use an existing directory as the working directory.
  3. In this case, we use run/ as working directory. 

Setting Up the GSI Observer Run

Setting Up the GSI Observer Run cindyhg Tue, 08/20/2019 - 13:03

Case 3: Global T254 Case

Setting Up the GSI Observer Run

  • Edit the GSI observer run script in comgsi_run_gfs.ksh:
  • The example run script (comgsi_run_gfs.ksh) is located in the comGSIv3.7_EnKFv1.3/ush directory of the GSI/EnKF system. Make the following changes to the script in order to run this case:


    ANAL_TIME 2014092918
    GFSCASE enkf_glb_t62
    JOB_DIR (PATH)/run
    RUN_NAME case25-observer-gfs
    OBS_ROOT PATH/enkf_glb_T62/obs
    BK_ROOT PATH/enkf_glb_T62/bkg
    GSI_ROOT PATH/comGSIv3.7_EnKFv1.3
    GSI_EXE ${JOB_DIR}/gsi.x
    FIX_ROOT ${GSI_ROOT}/fix


    • Job head:
    • This depends on the specifics of your computer system such as operating system and batch queue, if any.
    • Define number of cores and machine type
    • define the following variables in comgsi_run_gfs.ksh based on previous setup:
    • NOTE:
      • The PATH should be replaced with a real path in your computer.
    • Define run GSI observer only and ensemble members
    • Background ensemble is set for GFS naming convention. When if_observer=Yes is set, GSI only run observation operator part and skip the minimaztion:

      In this example we are running the enkf_glb_t62 spectral resolution case.

      The example script can be found : here 

Run GSI observer

Run GSI observer cindyhg Tue, 08/20/2019 - 13:04

Case 3: Global T254 Case

Run GSI observer

How to run GSI job depends on computer system. On Cheyenne (LINUX with PBS), run it by: 

   qsub  run_gsi_global.ksh


Check the GSI observer run results

Check the GSI observer run results cindyhg Tue, 08/20/2019 - 13:04

Case 3: Global T254 Case

Check the GSI observer run results

  • cd case25-observer-gfs/. 

    • Check the stdout file from member 001 and compare it to the reference stdout here 
    • Check files in run directory for member 001 before clean and compare then to reference file list here
    • Check files in run directory for member 010 before clean and compare then to reference file list here
    • should have diag files for the previous 9 members and mean
    • No need to check fit files and minimization

Setting Up the EnKF Run

Setting Up the EnKF Run cindyhg Tue, 08/20/2019 - 13:05

Case 3: Global T254 Case

Setting Up the EnKF Run

  • Edit the EnKF run script in comenkf_run_gfs.ksh:
  • The example run script (comenkf_run_gfs.ksh) is located in the comGSIv3.7_EnKFv1.3/ush directory of the GSI/EnKF system. Make the following changes to the script in order to run this case:


    ANAL_TIME 2014092918
    GFSCASE enkf_glb_t254
    JOB_DIR PATH/run/enkf_glb_t254
    RUN_NAME case26-enkf-gfs
    OBS_ROOT PATH/enkf_glb_T62/obs
    BK_ROOT PATH/enkf_glb_T62/bkg
    GSI_ROOT PATH/comGSIv3.7_EnKFv1.3
    diag_ROOT PATH/run/case25-observer-gfs
    FIX_ROOT ${GSI_ROOT}/fix
    ENKF_EXE ${JOB_DIR}/enkf_gfs.x


    • Job head:
    • This part is the same as the GSI observer Job head
    • Define number of cores and machine type
    • This part is the same as the GSI observer Job head
    • define the following variables in comenkf_run_gfs.ksh based on previous setup:
    • NOTE:
      • The PATH should be replaced with a real path in your computer.
    • Define ensemble parameters

    The example script can be found : here 

Run EnKF

Run EnKF cindyhg Tue, 08/20/2019 - 13:06

Case 3: Global T254 Case

Run EnKF

It can be run with the same way as GSI runs, for example: 

   qsub  run_enkf_global.ksh

Check the EnKF run results

Check the EnKF run results cindyhg Tue, 08/20/2019 - 13:07

Case 3: Global T254 Case

Check the EnKF run results

cd enkf_glb_t62/. 

  • Check the stdout file and compare it to the reference stdout here 
  • Check namelist file in run directory and compare then to reference namelist file here