METplus Use Case: Grid to Grid Anomaly

METplus Use Case: Grid to Grid Anomaly admin Mon, 06/24/2019 - 16:07

The Grid to Grid Anomaly use case utilizes the MET Grid-Stat tool.

Optional: Refer to the MET Users Guide for a description of the MET tools used in this use case.
Optional: Refer to the A-Z Config Glossary section of the METplus Users Guide for a reference to METplus variables used in this use case.


  1. Create Custom Configuration File

Define a unique directory under output that you will use for this use case. Create a configuration file to override OUTPUT_BASE to point to that directory.

vi ${METPLUS_PARM_BASE}/user_config/g2g.output.conf

Set OUTPUT_BASE to contain a subdirectory specific to the Grid to Grid use case. Make sure to put it under the [dir] section.


Using this custom configuration file and the Grid to Grid use case configuration files that are distributed with METplus, you should be able to run the use case using the sample input data set without any other changes.


  1. Review the use case configuration file: anom.conf

Open the file and look at all of the configuration variables that are defined.

less ${METPLUS_PARM_BASE}/use_cases/grid_to_grid/examples/anom.conf

Note that variables in anom.conf reference other config variables that have been defined in other configuration files. For example:

FCST_GRID_STAT_INPUT_DIR = {INPUT_BASE}/grid_to_grid/gfs/fcst

This references INPUT_BASE which is set in the METplus data (metplus_config/metplus_data.conf) base configuration file. METplus config variables can reference other config variables even if they are defined in a config file that is read afterwards.


  1. Run the anomaly use case: -c use_cases/grid_to_grid/examples/anom.conf -c user_config/g2g.output.conf

METplus is finished running when control returns to your terminal console and you see the following text:

INFO: METplus has successfully finished running.


  1. Review the output files:

You should have output files in the following directories:

ls ${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/output/grid_to_grid/uswrp/met_out/GFS/anom/201706130000/grid_stat
  • grid_stat_GFS_vs_ANLYS_240000L_20170613_000000V.stat
  • grid_stat_GFS_vs_ANLYS_480000L_20170613_000000V.stat
ls ${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/output/grid_to_grid/uswrp/met_out/GFS/anom/201706130600/grid_stat
  • grid_stat_GFS_vs_ANLYS_240000L_20170613_060000V.stat
  • grid_stat_GFS_vs_ANLYS_480000L_20170613_060000V.stat

Take a look at some of the files to see what was generated.

less ${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/output/grid_to_grid/uswrp/met_out/GFS/anom/201706130000/grid_stat/grid_stat_GFS_vs_ANLYS_240000L_20170613_000000V.stat


  1. Review the log output:

Log files for this run are found in ${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/output/grid_to_grid/logs. The filename contains a timestamp of the current day.

less ${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/output/grid_to_grid/logs/master_metplus.log.`date +%Y%m%d`

Note: If you ran METplus on a different day than today, the log file will correspond to the day you ran. Remove the date command and replace it with the date you ran if that is the case.


  1. Review the Final Configuration File

The final configuration file is called metplus_final.conf. This contains all of the configuration variables used in the run. It is found in the top level of [dir] OUTPUT_BASE.

less ${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/output/grid_to_grid/metplus_final.conf