Compile coupler

Compile coupler cindyhg Tue, 10/15/2019 - 09:57

Compile coupler

Configure the coupler

To configure the NCEP Coupler for compilation, from within the ncep-coupler directory:

cd ${SCRATCH}/hwrfrun/sorc/ncep-coupler

For Cheyenne, select configuration option 3 to build with the Intel compiler.

Compile the coupler

To compile the coupler and save the build output to a log file, type:

./compile |& tee coupler.log

The compilation should take approximately 2 minutes to complete.

If the compilation is successful, 1 executable is created in the cpl_exec/ directory:


Note: If the compilation does not succeed in producing the executable, it will be necessary to conduct a clean on the pomtc directory. A complete clean is strongly recommended if the compilation failed or if the configuration file is changed.

To conduct a partial clean that retains the configuration file, and just removes the object files, type:


To conduct a complete clean which removes all built files in all directories, as well as the configure.cpl file, type:

./clean -a

To get help about compilation, type:

./compile -h